I aim to utilize as much material as I can that has a back story (mid century Singer sewing cabinet, 1920’s pump organ, mahogany salvaged from an old church pew or fir from the iconic Commodore Ballroom). Whether the wood comes from a local tree removal, old piece of furniture, collected from the beach or donated from someone who appreciates what I am doing, the material has either been saved from the surf, freed from the fire pit or grabbed before it is gobbled up by the garbage truck. I choose and prefer to work with this material because it all has the potential to be redefined and be made relevant once again. 


Plum symbolizes perseverance and hope, as well as, beauty thriving in adverse circumstances. As the Plum tree blossoms between two seasons, it is also seen as a symbol of spring – bringing warmth, transition and the promise of fruitfulness. In Stock

Apple is one of the most sacred trees and symbolizes good health and future happiness. Since ancient times it has also been known as the ‘Tree of Love’ and is associated with Aphrodite’s, goddess of love. In Stock

Cherry is representative of good fortune, new beginnings and revival. The cherry also stands for love and romance. In Stock

Cedar is widely valued for its healing abilities and has become a powerful symbol of strength and revitalization. In Stock

Mahogany symbolizes strength and resilience. To that point it is said that mahogany trees can withstand lightning strikes. In Stock Limited Quantity

Red Balau Batu symbolizes quality and a sturdiness and trustworthiness that is of no question. In Stock

Maple symbolizes a sense of balance and promise. It is also a symbol of strength and endurance. In Stock

Redwood not surprisingly represents “forever”. It makes for a very symbolic gift for a bride and groom. In Stock

Elm represents intuition and inner strength.

Birch symbolically represents new beginnings. In Stock

Oak  is a symbol of power and courage. In Stock

Walnut is a symbol of intelligence, wisdom, knowledge, and inspiration. It’s synonymous with intellect and mental aptitude – even the nuts resemble the brain! Indigenous people see the Walnut as a symbol of clarity and focus, gathering of energy, and beginning new projects. In Stock

Ash symbolizes strength, power, mystic power, and it can also relate to spirituality and things that happen in the physical realm at large. The ash can also symbolize longevity and endurance as well as productivity. In Stock

Honey Locust is a symbol of beauty, tolerance, and protection. In Stock Limited Quantity

Arbutus or Madrone is said to be a particular favorite of the goddesses of Love, Venus and Aphrodite. This tree was sacred to them and symbolized their power to enhance feelings of love and gratitude. In Stock

Buddleia aka the Butterfly Bush represents rebirth, resurrection and new beginning. In Stock

Grapevines represent the faith required to expand and prosper. In Stock 

Hazelnut is the symbol of marriage, abundance of wealth and family happiness. In Stock

Bamboo is a symbol of strength, flexibility, and health. In Stock

Fir symbolizes power of determination and perseverance. In Stock

Larch is reminding us to rest and recover. Its appearance indicates a time of connection and rejuvenation.

Yew represents rebirth, immortality and everlasting life, regeneration after difficult times, and protection. In Stock

Chestnut is a sign of progress and this tree symbolizes abundance and longevity. In Stock

Driftwood symbolizes the ever-present moment, which is at once the past, present, and future. In Stock

Bolivian Brown Ebony is highly valued for its durability, strength, and beauty and is a symbol of quality, resilience, and luxury. In Stock

Pine cones are a symbol of enlightenment as well as life and growth but since it does not yet have any roots, it represents our dynamic potential. In Stock

Kaleidoscope symbolizes the release of blocked creativity and gives you the opportunity to see yourself in the bigger scope of life. The various colors and forms in a kaleidoscope can symbolize your escape in time of difficulty and self-doubt and because a kaleidoscope generates changing symmetrical patterns it symbolizes our constant evolution. In Stock

Coffee Beans represents the freshness of renewed energy and sparked motivation. In Stock

Leather represents durability as well as flexibility.

Eggshells the crushed shells represent our fragility while the resin represents our ability to hold it together. In Stock

Elk antler represents dignity, power, inner strength, and passion. In Stock

Deer antler is related in many traditions with kindness, softness and gentleness, is, in one way or another, an animal that is connected to the gods and the sacred.
In Stock